Sunday, 23 May 2010

Derby # 142: Classic literature mashup

Derby by WootBot on 8 April 2010 12: 00 pm

Sophocles. Thoreau. Verne. Honour of national library week, we are for scenes, themes and characters from classic (and public domain) call literature to all comfortable to get. Mash up your favorite works and show us, what would be as if Sherlock Holmes by Polyphemus registered. I hope to have something better than that.If you not sure what is public domain (and therefore something we can print) their research here start. of course, the usual no copyrighted materials rules apply, but also concerns the following tips:

We need to know what you to mashing sind.Titel your work as "ClassicWork/ClassicWork."If you have a title too long, you post immediately from the works of the thread so that we have some reference and reviewing.

No video Spiele.vielleicht are over 70 years which are Halo novellas icons, but not now.

No Star Wars.

No Bunnies.

Only passing resulting Text.A street character to welcome the Brobdingnag is Ordnung.Dialog or titles are not.

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